i lazy ma... I know u miss me.. so read my blog rite.. lol
okok.. i will write everyday de.. REALLY!!

Went to her concert on Saturday with Serene, Dong gu, Pey shan, Jeremy, Janice and Mr ming. My bro and his wife went too but they $88 seat, we sit $138 seats.. hahah
She sang mostly cantonese songs. She's really high la..
My mum say she maybe took some esctacy before the performance., to get themselves energetic all night. (my mum and her crazy reasons)
But the only probelm was that the stupid stage was really small. I see the 10 dancers and Sammi trying to dnace around the pathetic area.
I even bought those huge lightstick to wave wave... hahaha Its not like go for concert every other month. I wont spent that kinda money but only for SAMMi!!
Got a new phone. Not new exactly but its the same model.. Nokia 6300 but in RED!!!
Its free cos Mr ming exchange his voucher for this one. hehehe

My aunt also got that phone....
U always use auntie phone lo!
i like lo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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