everyone things I'm immatured, spend money like nobody's business, party, go out and play.
WHatever i do is nvr right. F!
Im really fed-up and disappointed.
My bro sms in the morning to pay up my CPF study loan.
And contribute more to the family. At least i dun take money from them anymore.
Which i did.. I gave them money when i got my salary.
HE's always telling me to this and that. I know. I have plans but everone just thinks im spending all my salary away.
Which i'm not.
I just got my 1st pay. I just wana buy stuff which i need myself.
Im still gotta start buying insurance.
Im still starting to handle my finance.
Its not like im earning a fixed income for a yr or so.
My bf says i should not go out so late and spend money on cabs home and stuff.
I know! But its not like every day of the week im doing that.
he doesnt like me to go out late too much anyway.
I haven met my frens cos i wasnt working before, and have limited funds. Now with the pay at least i can catch up with a few close ones. Meeting my frens are the happiest time i ever have.
Whatever i do. Everyone thinks im selfish. No plans for the future.
Why is it when i wana do something for myself its always not right.
I dun wana cry but i cant control the tears.

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